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Can Pay-As-You-Drive Insurance Lower My Premiums?
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* podcast transcript
OK, so we all drive, right? At least most of us do, and we all have to have car insurance. But have you ever stopped to think about how your rates are actually calculated?
It’s something we don’t often think about until we get that renewal notice and see our premiums have gone up.
Exactly. So today we’re going to dive into a different way to think about car insurance pay as you drive. And joining me to break this all down is Eva.
Well, thanks for having me. It’s great to be here.
Great to have you so pay as you drive. It’s kind of what it sounds like, isn’t it?
It is. The basic idea is that instead of paying a fixed rate for your insurance, your premium is determined by how much you actually drive.
So someone like me who, well, let’s be honest, my commute involves walking from my bed to my desk.
Ah yes, the joys of working from hell.
Exactly. So I would theoretically payless than someone who has say, a long daily commute.
That’s the general concept. It’s all about individualizing insurance, moving away from those broad risk pools and estimations.
OK, I have to admit, the idea of potentially saving some money on car insurance is definitely appealing. But how exactly does this whole tracking thing work?
Well, it’s all thanks to technology, of course.
Oh no, are they like watching my every move?
Not in the literal sense, no, but they do use telematics. Basically, these small devices, usually installed in your car, monitor things like your mileage, the times of day you drive, and even your braking habits.
Hold on, they’re tracking my braking. What if I have to slam on the brakes because, I don’t know, a squirrel runs out in front of my car? Am I going to get penalized for that?
That’s a valid question, and it brings up one of the concerns some people have about this type of insurance. While the technology is advanced, it’s not always able to distinguish between, say, hard breaking to avoid an accident versus someone who just enjoys driving a little bit more enthusiastically.
So there’s a bit of a Big Brother is watching aspect to this. And what about privacy? I mean, all this data being collected about my driving habits, that can’t be ideal from a privacy standpoint, right?
You’re hitting on a really important point here. While the potential cost savings might be attractive, the trade off is that you’re agreeing to share more of your personal driving data.
OK. So there are some definite things to consider before jumping into a pay as you drive program. I mean, it’s not just about the money, it’s about your comfort level with this kind of tracking and data collection.
Absolutely, and it’s about understanding the potential downsides and limitations.
Right, because no technology is perfect. Yeah, but we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Let’s back up a little and talk about some of the things someone should think about if they’re considering pay as you drive insurance.
Sure. I think the first thing is to have a realistic understanding of your driving habits. How much do you actually drive on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?
Yeah, that makes sense, because if you’re someone who I know drives for a living, this might not be the best option.
Exactly. You’re not going to see the same kind of potential savings as someone who only uses their car for occasional errands or weekend trips.
OK, so mileage is key. What else should people keep in mind?
Well, we’ve already touched on this a bit, but it’s important to be comfortable with the idea of your driving being tracked. If that feels intrusive or makes you uncomfortable, Pay as you Drive might not be the right fit for you.
Yeah, I can see how that would be a deal breaker for some people. OK. So mileage and comfort level with tracking anything else?
One more thing to consider is your tolerance for fluctuating bills. Because your premiums are based on your actual driving, they can vary from month to month.
So if you’re someone who likes to have very predictable expenses, this might not be the best option.
That’s something to keep in mind.
So it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. It really depends on your individual circumstances and preferences.
And it’s important to remember that while the technology is designed to assess risk more accurately, it’s not foolproof. There’s always the possibility of glitches or misinterpretations of data.
Right, and that’s why it’s crucial to do your research, compare programs from different insurance providers, and read the fine print. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions, especially when it comes to data collection and privacy.
That’s always good advice no matter what kind of insurance you’re buying. So we’ve covered some of the basics of Pay as you Drive insurance, but there’s still a lot more to unpack. We’ll be right back after a short break. All right, so we’re back and talking about Pay as you Drive insurance.
It’s definitely a hot topic these days.
It is. And you know, one thing that’s been on my mind is like, even if this technology is super accurate, stuff happens, right? Like what if I get into an accident that wasn’t even my fault? Would my rate still go up?
That’s a really important point to bring up because even with pay as you drive, those traditional insurance factors don’t just disappear.
So it’s not like my driving habits are the only thing that matters.
Right. Pay as you drive primarily focuses on those habits to determine your like base rate. But things like accidents, regardless of fault and even stuff like weather conditions in your area, those can still have an impact on your overall premium.
OK. So it’s more like my driving habits become a bigger part of the equation.
Exactly. It adds another layer. And actually that’s something that some people see as a positive. So, well, it kind of pushes the insurance industry toward more transparency. You get more insight into what’s influencing your premiums and potentially more control over those costs.
That’s interesting, but with all this talk of tracking and data, I can’t help but feel a little uneasy about the whole Big Brother aspect of it all. Are there any like safeguards in place to protect my privacy?
You’re right to be mindful of that. Most reputable insurance companies that offer these programs, they have strict privacy policies.
OK, so they say they’re not going to be sharing my data with just anyone.
Right. They’re legally obligated to handle your data responsibly and transparently.
That’s somewhat reassuring, I guess, but let’s be real, even with those safeguards, data breaches happen.
Yeah, that’s always a risk. And it’s not just about whether your insurance company will use your data properly. It’s about the possibility of, you know, hackers or other third parties getting their hands on it it.
Seems like a lot of trust is involved here.
It definitely is, and it’s something to weigh carefully.
OK, so pay as you drive insurance. It’s not exactly a walk in the park. There’s a lot to potentially gain, but also some inherent risks to think about.
Absolutely, and that’s why we’re having this conversation.
Right. To unpack these complex issues, OK, so let’s shift gears a bit. We’ve talked about the potential benefits and some of the concerns, but this technology, it’s not perfect, right? There have to be some limitations or downsides that maybe people aren’t considering.
You’re absolutely right. And one of the big criticisms that’s been raised about pay as you drive is the potential for bias within the algorithms used to analyze all this driving data.
Bias. How so? Always thought algorithms were supposed to be, you know, objective.
In theory, yes, but algorithms are only as good as the data they’re trained on.
OK, so if the data itself is flawed.
Exactly. If the data reflects existing biases in society, those biases can get baked into the algorithm.
I see where you’re going with this. Can you give me an example of how that might actually play out in the real world with this type of insurance?
Sure, let’s say an insurance company is using data that suggests people who live in certain zip codes are riskier drivers.
Because of where they live.
Right now, those people might end up paying higher premiums even if their individual driving records are perfectly.
Clean. Exactly. And that raises concerns about, you know, fairness. Like is it really fair to penalize someone for where they live rather than their actual driving?
Right, that seems pretty discriminatory.
It does, and it highlights the need for greater transparency and how the algorithms are developed and used.
Because like, we don’t want to solve one problem, you know, making car insurance fair and accidentally create a whole new set of problems. Exactly. And that’s why it’s so important to have these conversations to raise awareness about these potential issues.
Absolutely. OK. So we’ve covered a lot of ground here. We’ve talked about the potential benefits of pay as you drive insurance, the personalized pricing, the potential cost savings. But we’ve also talked about the concerns, the data privacy issues, the potential for bias, the fact that it’s not always a perfect system. So for someone who’s listening to all of this, trying to decide if this is something they should look into, what’s the bottom line?
Well, I think it comes down to this. Pay as you drive insurance has the potential to really change how we think about car insurance. But it’s not a magic solution. It’s not for everyone.
It’s like anything else, there are trade-offs.
Exactly. So you have to weigh the potential benefits against those potential drawbacks.
Do your research, compare programs, read the fine print.
Exactly. Make sure you understand how your data is being used, how it’s being protected.
And think about your own comfort level.
Right, absolutely. How much are you willing to share? How comfortable are you with this kind of technology?
Because at the the end of the day, it’s your data, it’s your privacy, it’s your choice.
Well said.
Well, this has been a fascinating conversation. It’s really given me a lot to think about.
It’s been a pleasure.
And I’m sure our listeners feel the same way, so until next time, keep those wheels turning safely and always remember to do your research before you make any big decisions about your car insurance.
Did you know the less miles you put on your car every month and the less accidents you have on your driving record, the lower your insurance premiums can be? The reason for this is these things indicate to your insurance company you are a low risk driver and thus, not very likely to cause an accident they will have to pay for.
But what if you truly are an exceptionally cautious driver and can provide even more proof of it? And what if, as opposed to your insurance company having to blindly trust the milage estimate you write on your insurance application, you can empirically prove you drive very few miles every month?
This is where pay-as-you-drive insurance comes into play.
If insurance companies in your state offer this type of insurance, it may be a very effective way to lower your monthly insurance bills.
However, as you’ll see, pay-as-you-drive isn’t the best solution for everybody and focusing on it too much can make you miss an overall better deal.
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How it works
Pay-as-you-drive is different from standard types of insurance in that you are only billed for the amount you drive. To track your driving habits, an insurance company rigs your car with a device that tracks your mileage, as well as other vital statistics that help the insurance company understand how safe of a driver you are.
This concise video from CNET highlights the most important aspects of pay-as-you-drive insurance.
How much can you save?
The savings on these type of plans are made based on the amount of miles you travel during the lifetime of your policy. Some people have reported savings of up to 50% on their current policy, which is obviously very appealing.
More to consider
Even though pay-as-you-drive can potentially save you a substantial amount of money, it’s important to realize that if you drive a lot, it can also end up making your auto insurance more expensive. Long distance drivers or those that drive a varying amount of miles from month to month may not find great benefit in the pay-as-you-drive system.
Also, some drivers don’t like the idea that they’ll never know exactly how much their next insurance bill will be, as it will depend on their driving habits from the previous month, while there are others that don’t like the idea of being âstalkedâ by their insurance company.
The little box that is placed in your car will not only track your miles but also your braking habits and the average speed you travel at. Since the technology is not intelligent enough to understand the reason why you might have a higher than normal average speed or the reasons why you are braking, your insurance rates could be at the mercy of a system that doesnât take into consideration the full picture. For example, you might have had to brake hard because a pedestrian jumped out in front of you, not because you entered a turn too hard.
Finally, keep in mind not all insurance companies offer pay-as-you-drive insurance. Thus, if you limit yourself to only insurers offering this type of plan, you could easily miss an insurer that has lower premiums overall even though they do not happen to offer pay-as-you-drive as an option.
As you can see, there are pros and cons to pay-as-you-drive insurance, but if you consider yourself a cautious driver and don’t drive your car much, it would be worth getting quotes for this type of insurance as you shop around for full coverage auto insurance.
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video source:
CNET (Mar 27, 2013) – “CNET On Cars – Smarter Driver: Pay as you drive auto insurance”