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Left Turn Drive Down: Avoiding Staged Accidents

This addition to our Avoiding Staged Accidents series will help you recognize when someone is trying to involve you in a "left turn drive down" accident. Avoiding being a victim to this scam is just one more key to keeping your insurance rates low and affordable.

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Secret Benefits of Courteous Driving

Did you know that your driving style can make or break your day... and your bank. Find out how driving courteous can lead to cheaper auto insurance rates and make you feel good at the same time.

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Handy & Fun Geico Apps

Geico's insurance app has proven itself to be a winner. They even have a fun and challenging game that can improve your driving skills without being behind the wheel.

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Secrets to Avoiding Staged Accidents

Not only do staged accidents hurt insurance companies, they can also raise your insurance rates. This article provides valuable tips to help you avoid becoming the next victim of a staged accident.

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Key Benefits of Allstate’s Mobile App

Allstate has designed an excellent App for making insurance payments, making insurance claims and even geo tracking where your car is when you've parked it in a hard to remember location. Read our review of this impressive and versatile App.

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