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10 Reasons to Shop for Car Insurance Every Six Months
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* podcast transcript
Welcome back to The Deep Dive. Today we’re diving into something that impacts pretty much all of us, right? Car insurance. You send us this article, 10 Reasons to Shop for Car Insurance Every Six months and honestly, some of these reasons why you should shop around. I had no idea.
Yeah, it’s really interesting. A lot of people, they get their insurance and they just kind of figure that’s it, right? Like I’m done now. I don’t have to think about this for a while.
But there are so many things that change over time that can affect your rates and the discounts that you might be eligible for.
OK, so let’s dive right in. One of the things that really surprised me reading this article. Like who knew getting older could actually save you money on car insurance?
Right. It seems counterintuitive, right? But it makes sense when you think about it from the insurer’s point of view. So as you get older, you have more experience on the road, it’s statistically you’re less likely to get into an accident and they see you as lower risk and they’re willing to adjust your premiums to reflect that.
I guess it’s all about risk assessment for them.
It really is.
OK, so age, that’s one thing, but then they were also talking about all these big life changes like if you get married, buy a house, even improve your credit score. These can all lead to discounts like hitting all these adulting milestone.
Right. And they see these things as signs of stability. You’re more likely to stay in one place. You might be more financially responsible. And again, all of that factors into how they assess risk. Makes sense. And speaking of risk assessment, this is one that I think a lot of people don’t realize. Insurance companies also look at your credit history.
Yeah. And you might be thinking, well, what does my credit score has to do with my driving? Right? And it’s a fair question. Yeah. But studies have actually shown that people with better credit scores tend to be more financially stable, and they’re less likely to file insurance claims. So it’s a little bit of a controversial topic, but it’s definitely something to be aware of.
Yeah, I had no idea about the credit score connection, but it makes sense. The way you explain it, it’s like they’re trying to get the full picture of you, not just like, oh, you get a speeding ticket one time.
Exactly. They’re trying to figure out what are the chances that this person is actually going to cost us money down the line, right? And how can we price their policy accordingly? OK. And speaking of things, that can really make your rates go up when teenagers start driving.
Oh yeah, that’s a big one.
Big one the article mentioned that your rates can increase by as much as 79% when you add a teenager to your policy.
79% it’s a huge jump. Wow. And it really highlights why it’s so important to shop around.
And compare quotes when your teen gets their license.
Yeah, that one factor alone could really throw a wrench into your budget.
For sure.
OK, so we’ve talked about how you know your personal circumstances, your age, your life changes, all that can impact your rates. But it’s not always about you, right? The article also talks about how external factors like things you can’t even control. That absolutely can play a role too.
So things like where you live, weather events, OK even how many other people in your area use the same insurance company?
It all ties back into that risk assessment.
Right, because if they’re having to pay out a lot of claims in a certain area exactly, it makes sense that they would adjust the rates for everyone in that area.
Exactly. So even if you have a perfect driving record, right, you could still end up paying more just because of where you live or, you know, if there was a hurricane recently that caused a lot of damage.
It feels almost unfair in a way, like you’re being punished for something that’s totally out of your control.
Yeah, it can be frustrating, yeah. But it’s important to remember that they’re using data to calculate these things. And sometimes that data reflects larger trends that are beyond any one person’s control. But that brings up another interesting point. You know we’ve been talking about how insurance companies assess your financial stability, right? But the article also mentions how important it is to consider the financial health of the insurance company itself.
That’s a really good point, I’ve honestly never even thought about that before. Like I just assume, oh, if they’re a big enough company to advertise on TV, they must be doing OK, right you.
Would think so, wouldn’t you? Yeah, but bigger doesn’t always mean better, right? And that’s why the article mentions resources like AM Best and Standard and Poor’s.
I’ve heard of them, but I’m a little fuzzy on what they actually do.
Yeah. So those are independent rating agencies that specifically evaluate the financial strength of insurance companies. They look at things like an insurer’s reserves, their investment portfolio, their overall financial stability, and then they give them a rating based on how likely they are to be able to pay out claims if a lot of people need to make claims at the same time.
So if a company has a good rating from one of these agencies, that means you can feel pretty confident that they’re not going to go belly up when you need them the most. That’s reassuring.
Right. You want to know they’re going to be there to have your back.
Absolutely. It’s like you’re already paying them for this service. You want to make sure they can actually deliver on it for sure if you ever need it. OK, so we’ve talked about like our personal finances and now the insurance company’s finances. But the article also had some interesting stuff about how the actual cars we drive factor into the rates? Absolutely, which makes sense. But I already have my car so what can I really do about that?
Well, that’s where understanding depreciation comes in. So, the article mentions that obviously as vehicles get older, they lose value.
Right, right.
And that’s going to impact how much your insurance premiums are.
Oh, OK. So, it’s not just that my car is more likely to breakdown because it’s older, it’s also that they’re taking into account like what it’s actually worth.
Huh. OK, so how much of a difference does that actually make?
Well, it can be more than you might think actually. The article says it on average a vehicle loses like 2.4% of its value every year. But for some cars, especially like luxury vehicles, that depreciation can be way higher?
Oh, really?
Yeah, some of them lose as much as 20% in just the first five years.
Wow, 20.
20%, yeah.
So if you’re driving a fancy car, you’re not just paying more upfront, right? You’re potentially on the hook for more insurance too as it gets older.
Exactly. Huh.
See, this is why I like doing these deep dives. Like this is not something I would have thought about before, right? But it makes total sense when you explain it.
And this is a perfect example of why you want to be reviewing your coverage regularly because as your car depreciates, yeah, your needs change, right? So, you might find that as your car gets older, you can actually adjust your coverage levels.
Oh, OK.
To more accurately reflect what its market value is. Gotcha. And potentially save some money.
So you don’t want to be over insured on a car that’s not worth as much as it used to be?
Right. You got to find that balance.
Right. But I find that sweet spot between being covered, yeah, if something happens, right? But not, you know, paying more than you need to.
Exactly. Exactly. And, you know, this kind of ties into something else that the article talked about, which is like how our driving records can impact our rates, which I feel like is kind of a duh moment. Like, yeah, if I get a speeding ticket, obviously my insurance is going up. But I think they were also saying that even smaller things can make a difference too.
Absolutely. And this one surprised me too, actually. Yeah. I didn’t realize that even things like parking tickets, oh real can actually show up on your driving record. And while, you know, one parking ticket, it’s probably not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things.
Right, right.
But if you have a bunch of them, or if you have a pattern of those kinds of minor infractions.
Yeah, yeah.
It can signal to the insurance company like.
Yeah, like maybe this person’s not as careful as they think they are.
Wow, I had no idea that parking tickets could come back to bite you like that. Right. When it comes to car insurance, that’s crazy.
It’s wild, isn’t it?
Yeah, it makes you realize, like, OK, I really do need to pay attention to all my driving habits. Not just like, am I speeding, am I running red lights? But like, am I even parking legally?
All the little things add up.
Right, exactly, exactly. So, driving record, that’s huge. But here’s another one that I would not have thought of. They were talking about how important it is to maintain continuous coverage. Now, why would that matter? Like I get if I had an accident and I didn’t have insurance, but if I’m a good driver and I just haven’t had insurance for a little while, why should that affect my rates?
It’s a great question. And you would think that logically it shouldn’t matter that much, right? Right. Like if you’re a good driver, you’re a good driver. Yeah. But the way they see it, yeah, is even if you have a relatively short lapse in coverage.
Like how short are we talking?
Like even 30 days? Nice. 30 days or more? Oh wow, that can lead to higher premiums when you go to get insurance again because it’s almost like starting from scratch in their eyes.
Oh, OK.
Like they see that gap and it’s like a question mark.
It’s like a red flag.
Exactly. Huh? Like why weren’t you insured before? What’s changed now?
Oh, so even if I’m a great driver, if I’ve just had this gap in my insurance history?
It could work against you.
That’s kind of crazy, isn’t it?
It is, it is, and I’ve even heard of people like cancelling their insurance if they know they’re not going to be driving for a few months.
To save money.
Exactly thinking, well, I’m not even using it. Yeah, but it sounds like that could backfire big time.
It really could.
When you go to get insurance again, wow, it’s always, always best to talk to your insurance agent, right? Or your company, Yeah, before you make any big changes to your coverage. Yeah, because they can tell you, like, what the potential consequences are, right? And if there are other options?
That might make more sense for you.
That’s a really good point. Honestly, this whole deep dive is making me rethink like, my whole approach to car insurance. Like, I feel like I’ve always just kind of, you know, tried to find the cheapest thing and then just, like, forget about it.
Right, set it and forget it.
Exactly. But it’s not that simple, is it?
It’s not. It’s an ongoing thing.
It’s more involved.
It really is. You’ve got to be paying attention.
Like a relationship.
It is. It is.
Like car insurance, it’s a relationship, man. You got to put in the work.
You got to put in a little effort.
A little effort, Yeah, exactly. But that brings us back to the whole point of the article, which is like, yes, shop around, compare quotes. And not just like once, but every six months.
Because things change. They do, right? Like, my life might not change dramatically in six months, but the insurance landscape can. Rates go up, rates go down, new discounts, all that stuff.
Right, for sure. And you never know what might have changed, even with your same company. They might have a new discount that you qualify for now that you didn’t before.
So it’s not just about finding like the cheapest rate out there in a vacuum exactly. It’s about making sure that like what you’re getting is actually the best value.
For you.
For you at that moment in time.
At this point in time, exactly.
So much to think about.
There is.
But I feel like we’re getting closer to really understanding like the insurance and outs here.
We’re getting there.
OK, good. Speaking of understanding the insurance and outs they also had a little bit in there about insurance company reviews and how those can be helpful when you’re comparing different insurers. So, what’s your take on that? Like are those actually useful? Should I be reading those?
I think they can be really valuable, because they give you a window into the customer experience.
Oh, OK.
Which you know is really important because you can find a company that has a good price.
But if they’re a nightmare to deal with if you ever have to file a claim.
Yeah, it’s not worth it. Not at all.
So reading reviews from other customers can give you a sense of like, what’s their reliability like? What’s their customer service like? What’s their reputation? It’s like getting a behind the scenes look at what it’s actually like to be their customer.
That’s a good point because like you said, I could find the cheapest rate, but if they make me want to pull my hair out when I actually need to use the insurance exactly what’s the point?
Exactly. You’ve got to find that balance between the price and the quality of service.
The price and the quality of service, it’s all connected. It’s like you said, you can’t just focus on the price tag. It’s not looking at the whole picture.
And speaking of things that can make a difference in that whole picture, let’s circle back to those discounts we were talking about earlier.
Oh yeah, the discounts.
Because this article really drove home the point that there are a ton of potential discounts out there, right? It’s like a goldmine.
It’s like this whole secret menu of savings.
Right, like you have to know the right things to ask for.
Yeah, exactly. And one thing that stood out to me was like how much the discounts can actually vary from one company to the next. It’s not like everybody offers the same 10% off if you’re a good driver, you know?
Right, it’s all over the map. One company might give you a discount for being a homeowner. Another one might give you money off if you’re a member of a certain organization or maybe you have safety features in your car that one company really likes. So, they give you a discount for that and another company doesn’t even ask.
So even if I’m like pretty happy with my current car insurance, it’s still worth looking around.
It’s worth looking around.
Because who knows, maybe somebody else has a discount that like perfectly fits my life.
Exactly, and especially after those big life changes we were talking about all.
Right, right. Yeah.
That’s when you really want to be checking, because you might suddenly be eligible for a whole bunch of new discounts.
It’s like leveling up in the game of life, right?
You get married.
Boom, a discount is going to kick in.
I like it. I like it. OK, so we’ve got discounts for like life events. What else?
Don’t forget about good old fashioned safe driver discounts.
Oh yeah, like if you take a defensive driving course.
Exactly, or if your car has certain safety features.
Right, like anti-theft systems or lane departure warnings, all that good stuff.
Exactly. They’re basically rewarding you for being a responsible driver.
Which is nice for once.
It is nice.
It’s like they’re saying, hey, thanks for not crashing into things.
We appreciate your business, right?
And you know, this kind of reminds me, we were talking earlier about bundling your insurance.
Yes, yes.
That’s like the classic discount, right?
It is a classic for a reason.
Right. But it’s easy to forget about it. Yeah, when you’re thinking about all these other things. It’s true. So, remind us again, like what’s the deal with bundling and why is it so great?
So basically, instead of just thinking about your car insurance in isolation, you look at all your insurance needs, right?
Like renter’s insurance, homeowner’s insurance, all that stuff.
And you see if you can get a better deal by putting them all together with the same company.
So it’s like one stop shopping.
Exactly. It streamlines everything.
It’s like the Costco of insurance.
Exactly. Buy in bulk, save money.
I like it. OK, so much good stuff to think about here.
There is.
I feel like this whole conversation has really highlighted that car insurance is not just a transaction.
It’s not a one-time thing.
It’s not like buying a T-shirt, No, it’s more like a, like we said.
A relationship.
It’s a relationship. It is.
It takes work.
It takes a little effort.
It takes communication.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your insurance agent.
Yes, pick up the phone, send an e-mail.
Right. Ask a question. Ask for what you need for yourself?
Right, because at the end of the day, it’s a service and we are the customers.
You’re the customer.
We have the power. I feel empowered you.
This is awesome. Honestly, Car insurance. I’m not going to lie, it’s not the most thrilling topic in the world.
But I feel like today we really like broke it down. We unpack it, made it understandable and hopefully less boring.
A little less dry.
A little less dry? Exactly.
It’s all about how you look at it.
That’s so true. OK, so on that note, any final thoughts for our listeners before we wrap up this deep dive?
You know, we’ve been talking about car insurance this whole time, but what if we took these same principles, this idea of shopping around, comparing, doing your research?
Yeah, yeah.
What if we applied that to other parts of our financial lives?
Oh, that’s a good point. Like what about our phone plans?
Phone plans, Internet, even groceries.
Like are we getting the best deals on those things?
It really makes you think.
It really does.
Could there be more savings out there?
You never know.
We might need to do a whole other deep dive on that.
We might have to.
OK, well, we’ll put a pin in that for now. But in the meantime, thank you so much for joining us for this deep dive into the surprisingly fascinating world of car insurance.
My pleasure, always a good time.
Until next time.
Shopping for auto insurance on a regular basis may save you hundreds of dollars per year and thousands of dollars over a lifetime. What if we told you that simple life events could save you money on your auto insurance?
Most auto policies are on a six-month term. Shopping for new rates just before a policy renewal date is a good practice to keep, however, you can shop for new rates at any time. You may feel compelled to start shopping for new rates right away after checking out this list of things that can affect your rates!
- Your Track Record Has Improved – It is common for rates to decrease once a moving violation has come off your driving record such as, speeding tickets or a DUI. Did you also know, insurance companies also look at how long you have had car insurance in place? Car insurance is typically most expensive when you are purchasing car insurance for the first time or if you have had a lapse in coverage for more than 30 days. As with most car insurance discounts, rates will vary from one company to the next, so it is important to also be aware of any discounts you might lose by switching to a different company.
- You’ve Had a Birthday – Provided you maintain a good driving record, rates drop as you age. This is especially true for young drivers who are likely to experience significant savings around the age of 21, and again at 25, as well as, aging drivers as they begin to drive less. It is worth checking rates each year after a birthday since rates are likely to improve over time as you become more established.
- Insurance Rates Fluctuate – Depending on where you live, rates can fluctuate often. Major weather events (hail, tornados, hurricanes, etc.), fluctuations in population and even changes in legislation can impact rates. The more an insurance company must pay out in claims, the higher their rates will be. Historical data is often used in determining rates to predict future rates to ensure a company remains profitable.
- Vehicles Depreciate – The value of a vehicle decreases over time which is determined not only by age and mileage but condition and type of vehicle you drive. On average, a vehicle depreciates at 2.4% per year however if you own a luxury vehicle, the value of that vehicle may decrease as much as 20% in the first 5 years of ownership.
- Changes in External Factors – There are circumstances that are beyond your control that influence insurance rates. One such factor is when your insurance company insures a large portion of your community. While crime rate, weather and population contribute to rate fluctuation, you may be paying a higher rate for insurance because your company insures a large part of your local population. Shopping for a new carrier in your area may result in lower rates if they insure fewer drivers in your area.
- Changes in Life – Life events can often lead to discounts or rate decreases. Marriage, homeownership, earning a college degree, changing professions and increased credit scores are just a few circumstances which may lead to a rate decrease. It is important to note that some companies reward you more than others for these type of life changes. Often, these changes do not happen all at the same time, so shopping for new rates every six months will provide you with the best opportunity to take advantage of these rate changes as they occur in your life.
- Get the Best Deal When Your Teen Starts to Drive – A study in 2014 showed that car insurance rates increase as much as 79% when a teen begins to drive. The rate that insurance companies charge for youthful drivers varies wildly from one company to the next and it based on the number of claims they process for young drivers. However, many companies have programs for young people who earn good grades, participate in driver safety courses and sign driver safety contracts. Shopping for the best rates will help you avoid excessive surcharges on your policy.
- Make Sure Your Insurer is Reliable (Financially Sound) – Online companies like Standard & Poor’s or A.M. Best monitor insurance companies financial health, annually. A company’s financial portfolio indicates its ability to pay claims, as well as it’s ability to offer lower rates. The Insurance Information Institute recommends becoming familiar with your company’s rating and what it that rating means. An A+ with Standard & Poor’s is very different than an A+ from A.M. Best.
- Your Insurer Can Take You for Granted – While some may find it easy to stay with a company they are familiar with and receive good customer service from, it is naïve to assume that there are no other companies who can offer competitive rates and service. Some companies increase rates over time because they don’t believe long-time customers will switch companies for a lower rate.
- Gain Negotiation Power – By notifying your current carrier that you are shopping for a lower rate, you may gain bargaining power. The potential loss of a good policy holder often motivates companies to review policies and look of discounts that can be offered to keep your business. If you don’t tell your company that you are shopping around they can’t help, so ask!
Whether you just got married, had a birthday or you simply haven’t shopped around for new auto insurance rates in a while, now may be a great time to get a new auto insurance quote. Your current auto policy should have most of the information you need to begin the process. What have you got to lose? You just might save hundreds of dollars by switching today!